

Are you attending worship weekly?

Prioritizing Sunday morning worship is a way to put God first in your life and an important an important NEXT STEP. If you are only attending worship once or twice a month then your next step is to attend more often. Make Fellowship “your church” not just “the church.” Become committed to being an active and regular part of the Fellowship family.

One easy way to be part of the family & always be "in the know" is to Create a Fellowship City Account. Creating an account will make it easier for you to sign up for future events, small groups, and give online.

Are you spending time with God engaging in Scripture & Prayer?

Because our faith is a relationship with God, time and intentionality are the only ways for any relationship to grow. Communication is central to all healthy and growing relationships and this communication between us and God is done through prayer and scripture. Developing the spiritual habits of prayer and reading the Bible is a necessary step for all believers.

Make a commitment today to ENGAGE more in worship, prayer, & scripture!

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Consider the following when it comes to Scripture...
Commit to spending 10-minutes a day in God's Word (the Bible). Try doing it with a SOAP study approach:

    SCRIPTURE: choose to study in an area you need help (peace), look up scriptures via Google on that topic.
    OBSERVATION: make observations: who is speaking? What is happening? what is the message?
    APPLICATION: what does God want to show you about the topic or Himself? How can you apply this into your everyday life?
    PRAYER: pray through the scripture. Ask God to help you apply it and learn to recognize Him more.

If you would like more resources on how to study the bible and bible basics, check out these YouVersion study plans.

When it comes to Prayer...
Prayer can simply be thought of as talking to God. No special words are required – just a genuine heart that wants to talk to the Lord. Start with a few minutes – and over time this will naturally increase. Praise God for who He is; Thank Him for what He does; Ask Him for what you need; Repent for the sins you’ve committed.

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