Honduras, June 2024

Registration Closed

Aime McGinnis

Registration closed on Sunday, May 12, 2024

5 spots available
June 22, 2024 to June 30, 2024
This team is partnering with Word of Life Honduras. The mission of Word of Life Honduras is to create faith-defining experiences that give students the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their spiritual walks. On this trip, we will be doing outreach and camp maintenance. Last year, God accomplished much through our team: 11 gospel presentations, 1374 gospel tracks were hand out, 1,428 people heard the gospel, 168 accepted Christ as their personal savior, 7 schools were visited, and 2 churches were visited. Join us June 2024 to make a difference and to spread the love of Jesus.

Cost: $2000 ($200 due upon applying for this trip). The remaining $1800 is expected to be raised by 06/01/2024.

Trip Leaders: Don Morris and Anthony Alioto

First Team Building Date (REQUIRED): 04/07/24 


Attend 4 team building sessions


Signed Mission Trip Policies 

Signed Medical Information Form

Notarized Liability & Parental Consent Form (please print & bring to first training session NOTARIZED)

Required Documents to be printed & signed before first training session

Mission Trip Policies Medical Information Form Liability & Parental Form (NOTARIZED)
Support Letter Guidelines & Examples
Support Letter Guidelines Support Letter Example #1 Support Letter Example #2